Sunday, February 22, 2009

My 2nd Birthday Party!

I'm turning TWO! On Sunday, I celebrated with friends and family.


I received lots of great presents!

I'm getting this whole
"unwrapping" thing figured out...

Harley & Rylan joined in on the fun!

So busy playing, I didn't get a nap that day, which meant bedtime at 6:30! I was so exhausted!

Cake Time...John Deere tractor of course!

The tractor had to come off


Even Harley enjoyed a piece

We had to burn off our sugar some how

Boy Time!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

23 Months

Hi everyone! Here are a few of my latest pics...I've gone sledding with Mom and Dad a few times. This picture is taken from our neighbor's house. I refused to go down the hill without my fire truck

My second visit to the MOA

Dora & Boots!

My favorite ride was the Cho Cho train...I went on it twice!

Sledding in January

Being a couch potato

I sure wish it would warm up so I can play outside more!

My first trip to the MN Zoo

I liked the fish the best!

The waterfalls in the petting zoo area scared me though


Sledding by myself for the 1st time

See you soon...