Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy 2009!

Sorry, it's been awhile since my last blog. Mom's neglected my website. So here's an update since Christmas...

A family pic of me and the Guyer family on Christmas Eve

Uncle Sam and I are enjoying a truck book

Here's one of many Christmas gifts I received from Santa this year. Lots of trucks, tractors and trains!

My favorite "non-present" was a cob of corn. Mom and Dad say I'm obsessed with corn...I can talk to you about corn and cows ALL day!

New Years Day was spent with the Christensen family in Jordan. I loved playing with Olivia and "Big Tommy."

I don't do well with pictures lately (maybe that's why Mom doesn't have many pictures to post lately?) take too long...I'm outa here!

Nothing like a little Dad time!

An old mattress at Grandma and Grandpa Hall's house entertained me for hours!

Can't wait til Spring, so I can take my tractor outside

Playing at the Christensen's house