Hi everyone. I finally got over my cold...but now I started teething...again! I'm getting my front upper teeth now.
I'm walking! Ok, not quite yet, but I think I'm getting this walking thing figured out.
I love playing in Mom & Dad's room. I'm learning all about doors. I like to open and close them...and open and close and open and close and open and close.
I can reach all sorts of interesting things.
Look at me go! I'll be mowing the lawn before you know it!
Ok this may look bad, but really it's my newest interest. Chase lets me play with his kennel. He doesn't mind.
No, this wasn't my Halloween outfit. This was just Mom's crazy idea. I wouldn't recommend it.
This is my Halloween outfit. Apparently, I was a dragon/dinosaur of some sorts. Trick-or-treating was fun, but I can't wait till next year when I'm a little bigger.
Come on, what are we waiting for...lets go!
I had a lot of visitors this weekend.
Here's G-ma Guyer.
On Sunday, I celebrated G-ma Hall's Birthday. Everyone was watching the football game, but I was too busy doing other more important things.
Here I am playing with Mark and Mindi. They got me a cool stuffed Iguana and T-shirt from Aruba. Thanks guys!